What is the Y-DNA Haplogroup M222? The Y-DNA haplogroup M222 is a subclade of the larger haplogroup R1b, which is one of the most common Y-DNA haplogroups in Western Europe. It is found primarily in individuals of Irish origin and is believed to have originated in Ireland around 4,000 years ago. The Origins of thecontinue reading
Origins Archives
The Neachtain Y-DNA Subclade – R-FGC23097
Now that DNA sequencing is becoming more prevalent, and more people are getting it done and also doing advanced Y-DNA testing – it has led to the phylogenetic tree becoming much better defined. Now that tests like the Big Y-700 are available, as well as services like Y-Full, we have gotten to the point wherecontinue reading
What the historians say on the origins of clan O’Neachtain
If you research the O’Neachtain clan and it’s origins then you will quickly find that it is decently documented; there are entries on the O’Neachtain clan in many of the notable early Irish history sources. Here is a great place to start – Irish Names and Surnames by Rev Patrick Woulfe . In this bookcontinue reading
Muintir Neachtain in ‘Tribes & Customs of Hy-Many’
“Muintir Neachtain.—The family name is O’Neachtain, and is now anglicised Naghten, and sometimes corrupted Norton. The family were afterwards probably in the time of Conor Moenmoy O’Conor, removed from Moenmagh to the Feadha, or Fews, of Athlone, in the barony of Athlone, in the county of Roscommon, where Shane O’Naghten was chief of the septcontinue reading